Friday equals Monday

It’s Friday. When you have a business that is only open to the public on Saturday and Sunday, Friday is equal to the early hours of Monday morning. So today I’m running errands, hoping to catch a few minutes with a chiropractor, and making sure everything is in place for my employees to do their jobs tomorrow and the next day.


We’re headed into the third weekend of an eight weekend Festival. Traditionally there is a traffic flow to an eight week Festival. Weather is always a factor, but Festival traffic tends to increase over the eight weeks. No matter what types of advertising are used, word-of-mouth is always the most effective. This also means that you have to be selling a good enough product that the word-of-mouth is positive advertising. Most of the festivals we do have great reputations for putting on a good show. Some of them manipulate traffic by providing us with comp tickets to share with our employees’ families and with our vendors. These tickets tend to be dated for early weekends in the Festival. The theory being, more visitors early in the show gets word-of-mouth started sooner. So, third weekend is about when traffic begins to build. This summer, in New York, it’s been rainy. I know my Texas friends in the midst of a drought, may think that sounds like bragging. It would be if it were not raining on weekends. So far, we haven’t been able to string two good weather days together. There are two conflicting weather reports for this weekend as well. We will just have to see how it happens.


So I don’t know exactly what to expect in the way of traffic this weekend. When I know the weather’s going to be terrible I can call off half of my employees, and cut my payroll expense. However, we only have two days of the week to make any money, and missing a sale because you’re shortstaffed … Well, it’s not something I want to do.

Categorized as Nomads

By RhonniRocks

Rhonni is a blissciplined serial entrepreneur, who has crafted a life in which she is surrounded by people who do what they love. She curates and blogs about her wacky and wonderful world at

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