While I believe it differs little from a shopping mall lease agreement, the agreement between Vendors and Renaissance Festival Management involves the Vendor building and maintaining a structure on the Festival’s property, then paying a show fee to vend from that building during the event. (Mall leases involve Lessors paying for their own “build-out”; then… Continue reading Park Design Considerations, When Vendors are Also Investors
Tag: Park Design
The 9 Most Common Problems in the Renaissance Faire Building Industry
AKA, The Harsh Conversation I had with a Young Carpenter. The dynamics of the Vendor/Builder/Festival Management matrix are complex, and there are many places where the deal can go wrong for one or more of the parties. All three legs must be considered for this table to stand. On the one hand, talented carpenters get… Continue reading The 9 Most Common Problems in the Renaissance Faire Building Industry
Choosing the Right Paint Color
Every industry has rules. The trick is in knowing how to get what you want while meeting the rules. Venues with a historical theme have tons of several restrictions that help create the environment that fools the public into the fantasy that they are visiting a 16th century village. I won’t get into the finer… Continue reading Choosing the Right Paint Color
Reality Check: Fantasy Building Designs Must Meet Local Codes
There is some discussion in the industry about whether or not it is beneficial to have building inspectors involved when trying to mimic a 400 year old village. We are designing retail spaces that look like they belong in an English village in the 1600s. Levels and plumb-lines can make a structure look a bit “too crisp”.