One of the many hats I wear is as the author of a funny, yet relevant – and hopefully wise – ADVICE COLUMN. One of the questions that a DARLING READER sent to me in the early years of the column is one in which my answer should prove germane to the people who read… Continue reading Fighting the Hoards
Tag: Contemplations
Things to think about before launch
Everywhere I’ve gone this month, the conversation seems to be about the intersection of Entertainment and Commerce in the Festival or Theme Park world. Permanent parks and themed environments are not entry-level venues, whether speaking of crafts, services, or food & beverage sales. Too often participants leap into an investment in a park or festival… Continue reading Things to think about before launch
Playing by the Numbers, part 2, None of your Business
Ok, let’s see, …..where were we? ….poker…matchsticks…20 pounds of quarters….profit/patron, cost/patron and patron/vendor ratios…big pies…..and little pieces. Remember? If not, you can refresh your memory by reading ‘playing by the numbers, part 1’ It’s a funny thing about numbers. When you ask someone the time of day, a baseball score, or the age of their… Continue reading Playing by the Numbers, part 2, None of your Business
Know what race you are running, and who your competitors are.
One of the first “Industry Truths” I was taught about Renaissance Festivals was this: There are 3 types of people who travel and work Renaissance Festivals. People who have a business that works at Renaissance Festivals. (This includes artists who lean toward costume elements, or pewter figurines, or astrolabes; and service providers who have created… Continue reading Know what race you are running, and who your competitors are.
The Value of a Lifestyle Business
Why is the term “Lifestyle Business” spoken with derision? Is it because “real businesspeople” discount the value of them, or is it because the Lifestyle business owners themselves belittle the amount of income generated by their businesses? In a world so full of people that *don’t * like the things they do to make a… Continue reading The Value of a Lifestyle Business
Making the market
As an outsider businessperson, I’ve learned that creating a business outside normal parameters requires the constant thought “there might be a good idea here”. Do not expect there to be a trade show tailored to your new genre, just because you are making a living at it. Go to every event that seems to have… Continue reading Making the market